Bunker Ballistic Explosion Proof Portable Concrete Bunker
Our concrete type living shelters provide shelter in terms of escape and life safety in emergencies . Our steel reinforcements inside the concrete produced in Astm standards are made of 12.7 mm ribbed iron. The diameter thickness of our lifting and transport hooks is 16 mm. We have 4 transfer hooks in each concrete bunker system. Our steel mesh reinforcements are manufactured in accordance with the American standard ASTM A615 M. Our steel reinforcements have a breaking stress of 420 MPA under pressure .
By adding special additives to the concrete of our shelters, it has been made harder and resistant to explosion pressure and bullets from firearms. Our concrete bunkers can also be manufactured to be radiation proof . As the concrete thickens, the radiation is absorbed into the concrete and cannot pass behind it. Concrete thickness of our bunkers is 25 cm. is . Our concrete shelter systems should not be heavy in order to be able to be transported. For this reason, lead plates are placed in the concrete to increase its resistance to high-dose radiation rays.
There are reports of our concrete bunker bunkers bulletproof up to Br7. We also have reports that it is resistant to 7 bar burst pressure . Larger structures can be created by adding our bunkers to each other .