Car parking ticket machine
Karen Paid parking ticket issuing machine; In our parking lot pricing automation systems, our ticket issuing barcode printing machines and devices can be manufactured according to the customer’s request. Our ticketing kiosk systems; Height, width, wall mounted, mobile type etc. There is a production of our ticket issuing machines. Barcode printer printer shape and content features are projected according to the wishes of our customers.
It has become a necessity for parking companies to use parking automation and pricing systems in order to reduce their costs and increase their profitability. Research shows that there is a 20-25% decrease in parking revenues due to tariff leakages in parking lots that do not have a parking pricing system. With the software developed by Karen parking pricing systems, not only income but also customer satisfaction increases.
Parking automation systems that record the entry-exit times of customers and present these data as statistics are now used in all parking lots. Karen automatic pricing and ticketed parking systems; Today, it is designed in accordance with heavy working conditions for the entrance and exit controls of hotels, shopping centers, hospitals, airports, commercial and private parking areas and is equipped to meet the needs of each.
The system, which was established to automate the parking entrance and exit processes, to simplify the parking fee calculation at the exit, and to provide more efficiency in parking lot management, also provides automatic data collection and recording and reporting of the financial and statistical information necessary for an effective parking lot management.