Coronavirus COVID-19 Prevention Equipment ( Coronavirus ,Covid-19 tunnel,Mobile-portable morgue,mask,mask cleaning systmes)
Corona Covit-19 Mask produced with special purpose 100% security UV Light, Corona virus uv light gloves, UV light source used in the surgery room that kills the viruses with ultraviolet light, and the areas where the virus can be found, Corona COVID-19 liquid disinfection and UV ultra violet tunnel, only UV light tunnel 500 nm without liquid support. Sale of robots that disinfect the virus masks used.
Loss of appetite and weight
Weakness and stagnation
Swelling of the abdominal area
Vision problems, watery eyes, and color change in the eye
Respiratory problems and flu
Balance problems
Change in general psychological state, unhappy expression
After testing samples from patients in laboratories, Chinese officials and WHO concluded that the infection was Coronavirus (Corona Virus). The disease is estimated to be caused by the Huanan seafood market in Wuhan, China’s 11 million-population city. Coronavirus is a subspecies of a large family of viruses. But only seven, including the new virus, can infect humans. According to WHO, the “incubation period” of the new virus, that is, from the moment the infection is infected until the symptoms appear, is about 14 days. But some researchers say that this period can be up to 24 days. Chinese scientists warn that some people spread the infection even without symptoms.
WHO offers the following recommendations to protect against the virus: Wash your hands – soap or hand cleansing gels can kill the virus. can get into your body Stay away from people who are coughing, sneezing, or have a high fever – 1 meter away will protect you from virus that can infect the air.
Ultraviolet Air Cleaning
The virus known as COVID-19 or other definition corona virus (SARS-CoV-2) has become a global epidemic these days. This virus is undoubtedly the best thing we can do, even if it drags our world into chaos. At this point, there are some steps that can be taken to be ready and fight against the corona virus. One of them is technology known as ultraviolet light, which kills bacteria and viruses.
Ultraviolet Light Kills Corona Virus
It has been known by scientists that for several centuries, broad spectrum antiseptic UV light with wavelengths between 200 and 400 nanometers (nm) has been very effective in killing the DNAs of bacteria and viruses by destroying their bonds. Standard Ultraviolet lights are often used to decontaminate surgical equipment. These traditional antiseptic UV lights are effective in killing viruses and bacteria.
Ultraviolet Light, Ray Spectrum
Viruses are sensitive to ultraviolet heat and light. For this reason, in the last guide on the diagnosis and treatment of coronavirus published by the National Health Commissions, it is stated that the radiation emitted by ultraviolet light is effective in effectively eliminating the virus.
How to kill corona virus, how to destroy it. Our company has started the production of products that eliminate the corona virus for personal protection, also for use in Karen system passes and entrances.
Among our products;
Covid-19 mask cleaning robot; It is a mask disinfection robot that disinfects, disinfects, recovers the n95 and other masks used for the virus to reuse them.

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Covid-19 Coronavirus Portable Container Field Hospital

Covid-19 Coronavirus Portable Container Hospital Design and R & D studies are the type of hospital that allows our company to be installed and used in a very short time.

Trailer Extensible Mobile Hospital

 As Karen system, the systems we have developed to create mobile hospitals in a short time are 100% domestic manufacturing and have a 2-year warranty. Mobile hospital truck (trailer) trailers we produce for all countries and continents are produced in many different structures. Our systems that we designed to work in extreme hot and extreme cold climates. It includes all hospital equipment. It is a small hospital. It has been redesigned for new epidemics such as Covid-19 and Coronavirus. Intubated patient dormitory department and normal clinic are independent from each other.

UV Lamb Light and Disinfection Coronavirus COVID-19 Mask

Coronavirus Covit-19 Mask with UV Light and disinfection heat treatment apparatus